Staying fit and healthy is a common goal, but it’s not always easy to maintain. In the UK, where many adults struggle to meet recommended exercise targets, keeping fit can be particularly challenging. However, with the right approach, anyone can learn how to stay fit and embrace a healthier lifestyle. 

This guide offers 15 practical tips for keeping fit and healthy, tailored to life in the UK. Whether you’re looking for ways to stay active in Britain’s varied landscapes or seeking advice on nutrition, these tips for keeping fit will help you on your journey to better health. Remember, small, consistent changes can lead to significant improvements in your overall well being.

Embrace the great outdoors

The UK is home to stunning national parks, coastal walks, and countryside trails. Take advantage of these natural spaces by hiking, cycling, or simply walking. Regular outdoor activities not only improve fitness but also enhance mental well-being.

Join local sports clubs

Many communities in the UK offer sports clubs for all ages and abilities. Whether it’s football, rugby, or Tennis, joining a local team can provide a fun way to stay active, meet new people, and develop new skills.

Explore urban parks

Cities like London, Manchester, and Edinburgh boast beautiful parks. Make it a habit to visit these green spaces for jogging, yoga, or picnics. Urban parks provide a refreshing escape from city life while promoting physical activity.

Utilise our amenities

Make the most of the amenities available in your development! Many of our properties offer excellent facilities such as gyms, tennis courts, pool tables, and table tennis setups. Incorporate these into your routine to stay active and social without having to travel far. 

For instance, at Porter’s Edge, you can enjoy a multi-purpose court alongside other amenities including an outdoor table tennis area and a residents’ gym. These convenient facilities provide diverse options for maintaining your fitness and enjoying recreational activities right where you live.

Take advantage of public transport

Using public transport can be a great way to incorporate more walking into your daily routine. Consider walking to the bus or train station instead of driving. This simple change can help you stay active without requiring extra time for exercise.

Try out fitness classes

The UK offers a wide variety of fitness classes, from Pilates to Zumba. Many gyms and community centres provide trial sessions, allowing you to explore different activities. Find what you enjoy and make it a regular part of your routine. 

Fitness classes often spark excitement and ambition as they offer a refreshing alternative to regular gym sessions. The presence of an instructor to guide you through the workout and provide assistance and support when needed is an added benefit. 

Additionally, most workout classes have cancellation fees and set times, meaning you’ll be charged an extra fee if you don’t show up on time. This can serve as extra motivation, ensuring you attend and stay committed to your fitness goals.

Cook healthy British meals

British cuisine offers a variety of nutritious options. Focus on using fresh, local ingredients to create wholesome meals. Traditional dishes like fish and chips can be made healthier by opting for grilled fish and baked potatoes instead of fried versions. While cooking may seem daunting if you’re not accustomed to it, eating healthy isn’t as challenging as it appears. 

Some easy options include incorporating vegetables and protein wherever possible. An effortless way to prepare meals is to combine vegetables and protein (such as fish or chicken) in a baking dish with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Roast everything together in the oven for a delicious, balanced meal that saves time and reduces clean up.

Stay hydrated

Drinking enough water is crucial for overall health. The UK’s temperate climate can lead to dehydration, especially during warmer months. Carry a reusable water bottle and aim for at least 2 litres of water daily.

Hot tip: having an ’emotional support’ water bottle is the way to go these days!

Prioritise mental health

Mental well-being is just as important as physical health. Engage in activities that reduce stress, such as meditation, reading, or spending time with loved ones. The UK offers numerous resources for mental health support, including community groups and online services.

Make use of local gyms

Many towns and cities have affordable gym memberships. Look for facilities that offer a variety of equipment and classes. Regular gym workouts can help you stay fit, build strength, and improve cardiovascular health. On top of this they can also be really good for your mental health too!

Participate in Charity Runs

Charity runs and walks are popular in the UK and provide a great way to stay active while supporting a good cause. These events often cater to all fitness levels and can be a fun way to challenge yourself. The vast majority of people can participate in this activity and will provide a sense of accomplishment and appreciation for what our bodies can do!

Set Realistic Fitness Goals

Establishing achievable fitness goals can keep you motivated. Whether it’s running a certain distance or attending a specific number of classes each week, having clear objectives helps track progress and maintain commitment.

Incorporate active family time

Engage your family in physical activities to promote a healthy lifestyle. Plan weekend outings that involve walking, cycling, or playing sports together. This not only keeps everyone fit but also strengthens family bonds.

Discover local walking tours

Many UK cities offer guided walking tours that combine exercise with education. Explore historical sites, local culture, and hidden gems while getting your steps in. It’s a fun way to learn and stay active at the same time.

Celebrate small achievements

Recognising and celebrating your progress, no matter how small, can boost motivation. Keep a journal of your fitness journey, noting achievements and milestones. This positive reinforcement encourages continued effort and commitment to your health.