Living in an apartment with a dog can be a fulfilling experience, especially when you choose a pet-friendly option like Folio London. Many people wonder how to keep a dog in an apartment while ensuring they remain happy and healthy

With the right strategies, you can create a comfortable environment for your furry friend, even in a smaller space. This guide runs over our top tips on keeping a dog happy in an apartment, focusing on essential routines, exercise, and creating a safe haven for your pet. Whether you have a small or large dog, these tips will help you navigate apartment living with your canine companion.

Choose the Right Breed

When considering keeping a dog in an apartment, choosing the right breed is vital for a harmonious living situation. Smaller breeds or those known for their calm demeanour often adapt better to apartment life, making them ideal companions for urban dwellers.

 It’s essential to consider your dog’s energy levels and size, especially if you’re thinking about keeping a big dog in an apartment. Larger breeds may require more space and exercise, so ensure that their needs align with your living environment. By selecting a breed that fits your lifestyle, you can create a comfortable and enjoyable home for both you and your dog, ensuring a positive experience in living with a dog in an apartment.

Establish a Routine

Dogs thrive on routine, making it crucial to establish a consistent schedule for feeding, walks, and playtime. This structure helps your dog feel secure and reduces anxiety, especially when you are keeping a dog in an apartment while at work. A well-defined routine can also help prevent accidents indoors.

Ensure Adequate Exercise

Ensuring adequate exercise is crucial for keeping a dog happy in an apartment. Regular physical activity is essential, so plan for daily walks and explore nearby parks for playtime. Engaging in activities like fetch or agility training can help burn off excess energy, which is particularly important for larger breeds that may require more vigorous exercise. 

By incorporating these activities into your routine, you can promote your dog’s physical and mental well-being, making living with a dog in an apartment a more enjoyable experience. A well-exercised dog is not only healthier but also less likely to develop behavioural issues, ensuring a harmonious home environment.

Create a Comfortable Space

Creating a comfortable space for your dog is essential for living with a dog in an apartment. Designate an area that includes a cosy bed, toys, and a water bowl. This personal space helps your dog feel secure and settled, which is especially important in a smaller living environment. By providing a dedicated spot, you can ensure your dog has a retreat to relax and unwind, contributing to their overall happiness and well-being in your apartment.

Invest in interactive toys

Investing in interactive toys is an excellent way to keep your dog mentally stimulated. Puzzle toys and treat-dispensing balls can engage your dog while you’re busy, providing both entertainment and mental challenges. 

This is particularly helpful for keeping a dog happy in an apartment when you’re not around, as it helps prevent boredom and the potential for destructive behaviours. By incorporating these toys into your dog’s routine, you can ensure they remain active and entertained, making living with a dog in an apartment a more enjoyable experience for both of you.

Be mindful of noise

Being mindful of noise is essential when living with a dog in an apartment, as various sounds can cause stress for your pet. If possible, choose a quieter building and consider soundproofing your space. Playing soft music or leaving the TV on can also help soothe your dog when you’re away, providing comforting background noise that eases anxiety. 

By creating a tranquil atmosphere, you can ensure your dog feels secure and relaxed, which is crucial for keeping a dog happy in an apartment. A calm environment significantly contributes to your dog’s overall well-being and happiness.

Socialise your dog

Socialisation is key for a well-adjusted dog, especially when considering how to keep a dog happy in an apartment. Arrange playdates or visit dog-friendly areas to help your dog interact with others. This is particularly important for keeping a large dog in an apartment, as they often require more social interaction to thrive. 

Regular socialisation not only helps prevent behavioural issues but also enhances your dog’s confidence and adaptability in a shared living space. By providing opportunities for your dog to meet other dogs and people, you can ensure a happier, more balanced pet, making living with a dog in an apartment a rewarding experience for both of you.

Train your dog

Training is essential for maintaining harmony in your apartment. Teach your dog basic commands and reinforce good behaviour to ensure they understand the rules of living in a shared space. 

Proper training is a key aspect of how to keep a dog in an apartment, as it helps prevent issues like excessive barking, chewing, or accidents. This is especially important for keeping a dog in an apartment while at work, as a well-trained dog is less likely to develop problematic behaviours. 

Consistent training sessions can also strengthen the bond between you and your pet, making living with a dog in an apartment more enjoyable for both of you. Investing time in training is crucial for keeping a dog happy in an apartment and ensuring a peaceful coexistence.

Pet-proof your apartment

Pet-proofing your apartment is essential for creating a safe environment for your dog. Start by removing hazardous items like cleaning supplies and medications to prevent accidents. Secure loose wires and cords to eliminate the risk of chewing, which can lead to electrical hazards. 

Additionally, ensure that toxic plants and small objects are out of reach, as many household items can be harmful if ingested. A pet-friendly environment is vital for keeping a dog happy in an apartment.

Consider dog-sitting services

If you work long hours, consider hiring a dog sitter or using a dog-walking service. This ensures your dog gets the attention and exercise they need while you’re away. Regular walks and interaction are crucial for your dog’s well-being, especially in an apartment setting where space is limited. 

A professional dog sitter can provide companionship and care, reducing your dog’s stress and preventing behavioural issues. Utilising these services can make a significant difference in keeping your pet happy and healthy, giving you peace of mind during your busy workday.