When The Prime Minister announced that shops, restaurants, bars gyms, schools and offices were to close whilst re-enforcing the message that we should “stay at home”, many renters up and down the Country were left feeling anxious and unsure on their short-term future. Workers were furloughed, others lost their jobs and many self-employed people were left in a bleak position, meaning paying rent was a difficult obstacle to overcome.

As a private landlord, we recognised this problem and put together an action plan. The following morning, we picked up the phone and began calling all residents, checking if they were okay, if they needed anything or if they needed any help paying their rent. This sort of behaviour is engrained into our company ethos. We are “here for renters”.

“Last week, I received a phone call from Folio. And immediately wondered what was wrong (as you would). But it was simply someone checking in to see how I was.

There was no sales pitch to buy something, no nagging because I hadn’t done something. It was a simple “Hi, just checking to see how you are and if there’s anything we can do for you”… It’s strange how much the simple things can matter but they really can. So thank you for that. It was genuinely appreciated”. – Folio resident

Scrolling through our Instagram page, there is no denying that we offer a wide range of beautiful modern apartments to rent across London, boasting modern appliances, balconies with views of the London skyline and the Thames, great transport links, resident-only gyms and free furniture packages. However, we are not just a photogenic entity, as our brand mission is to champion renters across London.

During Lockdown, our Residents were able to compete in weekly competitions over social media as we teamed up with Patch Plants and Uber Eats to give away some fantastic prizes. We also ran a two week project “Folio Live”, which allowed residents to showcase a business, craft or hobby over a live Instagram stream. Renters ran streams that included yoga sessions, fitness classes, guitar lessons and a magic show!

Despite the obvious impact made by this global pandemic, we are committed to running some great incentives to renters. we’re currently offering three weeks rent free to those who move in before the end of June.

Government guidelines now state that estate agents and landlords can continue to carry out viewings, however those who’d rather view their dream apartment from the comfort of their sofa (or bed) can now take a virtual tour.

Folio provide renters with more than just a roof over their heads.