During this period of self-isolation, you may be confined to your balcony or private terrace if you want to spend some time outside. This haven of outside space is all yours, so why not make the most of it whilst the sun is still out? If you have a green thumb and are looking stay busy at home, check out these tips to spruce up your outside space.

Get Cleaning!

First things first, you’ll want your little outside space to be clean. You might be tempted to use a pressure washer to hose down your balcony, but your neighbours might not appreciate a flood of water cascading down onto them. Use a simple one part bleach, to one part water mix with a hard brush and get stuck in. Cover the perimeter of your balcony with old towels if you’re worried about water dripping over the sides. Clean with warm soapy water to remove any grime and grease. Wash again with clean water and use some old towels to dry.


This is entirely up to you. What aesthetic suits your balcony? Perhaps a bistro table with some foldaway garden chairs, or maybe you’d like some cushioned furniture or even a sun-lounger. Plenty of balcony furniture comes with smart storage, allowing you to unleash your inner Marie Kondo! Balcony furniture is all about flexibility, as you’ll need to be able to bring it indoors should the weather take a turn for the worse, so no permanent fixings. Stack two medium sized pallets together and put some cushions on top for super-easy and sturdy balcony furniture if supplies are low in Ikea! Remember to be creative with your existing furniture to save money.

Bring In Some Greenery

Herbs are a small and cost-effective way of sprucing up your balcony that also allows you to enjoy the fresh aromatic pickings. Rosemary, thyme, chives and sage thrive in the sun, whereas dill, parsley and mint will grow better on a shaded winter-garden style balcony. Certain houseplants like cacti and aloe vera will relish in the heat and brightness of a sunny balcony, so why not give them a little summer holiday? Hook holders allow you to hang plants along your balcony rail, giving you a bit of privacy. Plant strawberries in late July to mid-August for a late summer treat! Get creative as you can with your plants as they are a great way to escape city life.

At Folio we are running competitions throughout the coming weeks to help with isolation boredom. The lucky winners will receive £50 Patch Plants Vouchers, so stay tuned!

Light It Up

Lanterns provide great night time lighting for your balcony and look great on the floor or on a table-top. String lights and fairy lights can be tied around your balcony rail or trellis. Why not add a bamboo screen for added style? Mix it up or stick to the same aesthetic as your furnishings. The possibilities are endless.

Make It Feel Like Home

As we’ll all be self-isolating for some time, you’ll want your outdoor space to feel homely. Get a nice rug for your balcony floor so you can lounge around barefoot. Make sure you get a warm blanket so you can enjoy the outdoors when the sun goes down. Add those small details that make your balcony feel like an extension of your apartment. Wicker baskets, ornaments and candles can really make a difference.


Listen to music, podcasts, or audiobooks as you watch the sun set or watch your favourite YouTubers or Netflix series in peace. If your Wi-Fi connection can reach as far as your balcony then you’ve found your brand new stylish working from home space! Order some cocktail mixers and snacks on Ocado for a homely al-fresco experience. Please remember to not invite your friends over yet. Send them a few snaps or give them a virtual tour over Facetime instead!